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Viken Command: Interstellar Brides® Program: Book 18 Page 7

  “And now, mate, it is my turn to pleasure you.”

  Oran whispered the words against my ear, and my nipples pebbled beneath my gown. I knew exactly how Leah felt, as I’d been agonizingly aware of Oran’s presence at my side for the last few minutes. But the doubts lingered as I watched King Drogan carry my new friend away, the sound of a swat to the ass accompanied by a gasp from Leah.

  The king would not be pleasuring his queen alone. The other two kings were waiting for them, and she’d have a red handprint on her bottom when they stripped her bare.


  If they could take time off from ruling an entire planet to accompany their mate to another continent and meet a new human bride the day after her arrival, and stay at the resort for a vacation—meaning lots of three on one sex—surely my mates could manage to get one night off together. Right?

  Oran waited, and the look in his eyes was not disinterested.

  Perhaps simple guards needed to ask for time off in advance. Maybe that was all there was to this, and I had no reason to doubt. Maybe kings had certain privileges the rest of the fighters on this world didn’t get. I swallowed my doubts and took Oran’s hand as he led me to my next adventure.

  I would have all three of them together. I just had to be patient and trust my new mates. They would take care of me. They wanted me. Their cocks didn’t lie. But their words, their actions, they had no reason to lie. Right?



  Oran escorted me down a series of twisting paths lined with flowerbeds, their sweet scent much stronger now than they had been last night. We took breakfast beneath a canopy of sheer peach and soft yellow streams of fabric lifting and falling in the quiet breeze like dancing butterflies. The structure overlooked a small pond where blue swan-looking birds floated like mystical creatures from another world.

  It was romantic. And magical. I felt like a princess with a gallant knight courting me in a fairy tale. The experience was surreal, and as far from last night’s hardcore, erotic fucking as I could possibly get.

  The peaceful setting and Oran’s attention soothed something inside me that I hadn’t realized was agitated. New world. New mates. My body out of control. I’d been on a rollercoaster with no chance to get off.

  Teig and Alarr had reported to work, at least that’s what Oran told me. Alarr would join us in a couple of hours. Teig would not appear until tomorrow morning. With my mates all accounted for, I didn’t have to worry where they were or who they were with. And right now, with Oran, I felt like I could breathe. His presence was powerful and protective. I didn’t have to worry about anything, think about anything. If my glass was empty, he signaled the staff to fill it with more of the sweet-tasting water. If I looked around for something to spread on my bread, he took my hand and asked what I wanted, then got it for me.

  The attention should have felt smothering, at least that’s what my bad-ass, I-can-take-care-of-myself mind told me. But the fact of the matter was, I loved it. Loved how he tended to me, how he cared. The way he noticed everything and the way everything I did or said mattered to him.

  He was intoxicating. The intensity of his attention was addictive. This was how I’d felt in bed last night with Teig and Alarr. But that had been about sex, about them mastering my body. Pleasure. This?

  This was about me. What I liked. What I thought. What I wanted. Oran had placed an odd oval disk on the table when we sat down. When I asked what it was, he informed me that it would record our conversation for Alarr and Teig so that they might know me as well. Even though they had to work, they didn’t want to miss a single moment of time with me and would watch the recording later.

  Oran then proceeded to ask me hundreds of questions. About home. About my life. My family. School. Earth. He wanted to know everything, and I answered honestly. I had no reason to hold back the truth. That kind of bullshit was for another life. My old life.

  Within minutes I forgot the recorder was there and lost myself in the rapt attention of a god with ice-blue eyes and the focus of a patient and skilled predator. The more he focused on me the more tension began to build in my body. An ache grew inside me, and I began to squirm. My pussy throbbed. My nipples hardened. As we talked, the… issue grew until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I wanted to run… and I wanted him to catch me. I wanted him to kiss me. To touch me. To thrust into me… oh God.

  He grinned, his hand holding mine, his thumb over the pulse now racing in my wrist. “The Seed Power is making demands, Whitney.”

  “Yes.” Why lie? I wanted to throw him down on this table and ride him like a cowgirl from Texas. Better yet, he could throw me down and…

  He stood. “Come with me. I will take care of you now.”

  “I thought you have been taking care of me,” I said. He’d been taking care of me for the last two hours, at least. Counting my time with the queen, maybe three.

  “I’ve been selfish, mate. Learning about you.” He pocketed the recording device and held out his hand, which I accepted. The touch made me gasp. He pulled me to his side, my arm in his as he led me back the way we had come, away from the pond and the blue birds and paradise. I felt his heat through our clothing, wanted to run my hands over him, to stop him, and climb him like a monkey.

  “That’s far from selfish. But this Seed Power… it’s making me selfish.”

  He lifted our entwined hands to his mouth and placed a kiss on my skin, the soft contact made me shiver and my nipples ache. I even moaned. My body was burning up, and it was getting worse by the minute. I needed sex. Hard, wild, sweaty sex.

  “Learning about you satisfied my needs, not yours. Your body requires tending, mate. The Seed Power will not relinquish its hold, and I am selfish to deny you pleasure just so I can speak with you. We three will have years to learn you. But right now, talking is not what you need.”

  Well. I wasn’t sure about that. I liked the talking. But he was right about one thing, my body was ready for more. A lot more, and if I didn’t get it soon, I thought I might go insane with lust.

  Minutes later, he held open the door of a small hut-shaped building, and I stepped inside. The room was shadowed, slivers of natural light coming in through a few slatted windows. For the most part, the room’s lighting came from lanterns that looked as if they contained candles. The scents of exotic oils, similar to almond oil, made me wonder for a moment if we were in a spa about to get a massage or something.

  Then I heard the soft cries of pleasure coming from behind a curtain. The voice was female, and she was obviously enjoying herself.

  She moaned again, and I heard the soft rumble of several male voices.

  A throaty cry followed. Whoever she was, she was enjoying herself.

  I craved to sound like that.

  “This way, mate.” Oran led me to the opposite side of the structure to a screened-off area I hadn’t seen upon entering. Rows of woven tree limbs made up the walls, like a hut on a tropical island. A curtain similar to the one behind which I’d heard another woman’s cries hung along a bar in one corner, waiting to be pulled closed.

  If Oran made me cry out, everyone in the hut would hear me. And as he removed his uniform top, exposing a wide expanse of sculpted muscle and hot male, I knew that was exactly what he was going to do.

  I wanted. I wanted him to make me scream so everyone at the resort knew how much he was satisfying me.

  But now. Now.

  He undressed slowly, and I wanted to tug and rip the clothes from him. As he removed each piece of his uniform, his demeanor changed, as if he were transforming into someone else.

  He stopped, standing before me in nothing but black pants. His chest, arms, and feet were bare. When he pulled the curtain closed and turned to face me, I stopped breathing. The eyes staring at me were not cold, exactly, but they were not warm either. He was in control now, and every line of his body, the hard gleam in his gaze, demanded I surrender to his command.

  Yes, please.

>   “Oran,” I begged.

  Yes, I begged because he was just so handsome, so virile. I needed.

  “Hold still, Whitney, and do not move until you are given permission.”

  I didn’t answer, and apparently, he didn’t expect me to because he stepped close and tugged at a ribbon that ran across one shoulder of my dress. His lips lingered on my skin as he stood behind me. The shoulder piece of the gown fell away to reveal one breast, and before I could gasp, his hand covered my skin, cupping my body as if he’d held me a hundred times before. With ownership. Possession.

  Without a word, he moved to my opposite shoulder and repeated the process, this time kissing my neck and leaving my bare breast exposed to the air. His fingers pulled at the nipple as his kiss moved down my spine toward the center of my back. I shivered at the caress, the heat. His fingers moved over my back and shoulder as if he were exploring a master sculpture before tugging at one final ribbon that I’d admired in the mirror earlier, a large silken crisscross of shimmering material that weaved between my shoulder blades.

  The dress was feminine and beautiful, and I’d adored it as I’d slid the soft material over my sensitive skin. Just the dress. There didn’t seem to be a large supply of panties on the planet. I hadn’t noticed any of the other females wearing a bra either, so I hadn’t worried about it too much.

  I had no idea the gift was a trap, that the gown would be used to seduce me later. Just three ribbons, a handful of kisses, and the smooth fabric slid from my body like liquid silk to pool at my feet. I was naked, my back pressed to Oran’s bare chest as his free hand slid down my thigh, up over my ass to settle at my waist. His touch didn’t linger but repeated the path as if he couldn’t stop moving. Couldn’t resist touching me.

  I shifted, trying to get him to touch me more, everywhere. Specifically, my pussy and more specifically on my clit, for if he touched me there, I’d come. But I felt that that wouldn’t be enough. I needed his cock, needed his cum. God, that Seed Power was like the most addictive drug.

  I craved.

  I liked the idea that he found my round ass and soft thighs irresistible. Maybe I was fooling myself since he’d worked last night instead of spending it with me, but I was going with option B. Irresistible. Totally. That was me.

  “You planned that.” The soft words were an accusation and a plea in one.

  He walked around me twice, three times, looking his fill. His grin was pure masculine satisfaction. “Of course.”

  And here I’d been walking around in this dress, the dress he’d given me, and not realized I was three quick moves away from naked.

  “That is not all I planned.”

  Another shiver.

  “No?” I teased him. I couldn’t help myself. This was fun, my pussy ached, and I couldn’t wait to see what he would do next.

  “No.” He held out his hands, palms up. “Will you gift me with your trust, Whitney? If you do, I promise you will experience extreme pleasure.”

  I was going to pass out, my heart racing so fast. “Yes.”

  “If, at any time, you wish me to stop what I am doing, if you feel overwhelmed or need me to slow down, simply say the word and I will halt at once.”

  “What word?” So, this was like a safe word thing. I’d heard of that. And it did make me feel better. I remembered what Teig had said, that Oran was from Sector Two and that he would tie me to a bed and pleasure me until I begged. That he’d spank me and clamp my nipples. Perhaps I needed a safe word.

  “You tell me, mate. What word would you never, ever scream in passion?”

  That made me grin as I tried to think of something not sexy while standing naked in front of a bare-chested, smoking hot alien with a hard-on so big it almost tented his uniform pants. Think Whitney. Think.


  “What?” He looked confused, even as he moved forward, backing me toward the odd table I’d seen when we came in. Like a massage table, but taller. And fluffier. And it looked like it had movable parts.

  “Coconut,” I repeated. “It’s a fruit. Well, I think it’s a fruit. Or is it a nut? Whatever. It’s on Earth. I hate it. Hate the smell. Hate the texture. The taste. My father and brother loved all things coconut, from frosting to piña coladas. Yuck.” I didn’t care for it. Candy. Cooking oil. Lotion and shampoo. Just drown me in vomit already if I had to smear that shit on my skin.

  Since he’d never heard of it, it was another thing I was content to leave light-years away on Earth.

  “Coconut then.” He still held out his hands as the back of my ass hit the table, and I came to an abrupt halt. “I am going to pleasure you now, Whitney. I am from Sector Two, and taking control of my mate’s pleasure is one of our greatest skills.”

  Oh shit. Teig hadn’t been joking. “Okay.”

  He tilted his head. “Yes?”

  I took a deep breath and placed my hands in his. I really wished Alarr was here. Why that thought popped into my mind, I had no idea, but something about that man—alien—just made me feel like everything was safe. Oran wouldn’t hurt me, I knew, but I was off-balance. He was going to push me. But Alarr wasn’t here, just Oran. And his massive bare chest. His dark pants and bulging cock. An intense ice-like control staring at me through his eyes. “Yes.”

  Coconut. Coconut. Coconut. I chanted the word in my mind so I wouldn’t forget as he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me to sit on the edge of the table as if I weighed no more than a feather. Which was a joke. I had a nice big ass and nice big breasts, and I made no apologies for either.

  “You’re mine, now, mate.” He reached beneath the table and pulled a blindfold from somewhere. Held it up so it dangled between us. “May I?”

  Queen Leah’s story of being taken by her three mates while blindfolded popped into my head, and I nodded in agreement before he’d finished asking the question. Hell, yeah.

  The world disappeared until all I felt was the soft table beneath me, the movement of his fingers as he tied the cloth at the back of my head.

  The table’s surface felt like smooth linen over goose down beneath my ass. Oran’s masculine scent filled my head with lust, and I knew the Seed Power was rising up inside me like a hungry shark, starved for more.

  He finished securing the blindfold and gently lowered me onto the table so that I lay on my back, his palms slid up my arms to my wrists, lifting them up over my head. I gasped as something warm and very solid wrapped around my wrists, securing me in place. I was bound like some kind of pagan offering to the gods.

  Except the only god here was him.

  From the far side of the hut, I heard the other female sob, actually sob, begging for release. The sound moved over my skin like an electric current, and I knew my nipples pebbled into hard, dark peaks even as my pussy clenched. Next to me, Oran whispered in my ear.

  “Do you like what you hear, mate?”

  “What is this place?” I asked, squirming.

  “A pleasure hut. Besides the private quarters, there are also various huts with specialized aspects of sensual desires. This one, specifically, is for restraining a mate,” he hummed. “It pleases me to see you like this. Bound and at my mercy.”

  “I thought Alarr liked public displays,” I said, licking my lips.

  “No one can see you and how lovely you look. But hearing you? I suspect many guests heard you last night with Alarr and Teig even though you were in private quarters.”

  I didn’t know for sure if that were true, but I did scream, and more than once.

  The woman cried out again.

  “Soon, you too will be begging,” he vowed.

  With that his mouth closed around my nipple, sucking me hard and deep as one hand settled gently over my exposed throat. There was no pressure, no squeezing, or threat. But the knowledge was there that I was completely at his mercy, under his control. His to do with as he wished and that felt dangerous and very, very exciting.

  He moved to lavish attention on my opposite breast as his
hand moved lower, spreading my pussy lips wide, circling my clit, but not fucking me with his fingers.

  When had I ever thought I liked foreplay? This was torture.

  “God, do it. Please.” Yup, I begged.

  “Do what, mate?”

  I squirmed as best I could, getting frustrated with his blatant torture. I craved the Seed Power thing, and he was denying me, making me beg. Well, if he wanted me to tell him what I wanted, I was going to tell him. Shy me was dead, left on a little blue planet far, far away.

  “Fuck me. Stick your fingers inside me. Anything.” I whispered words I’d never have dared say to a man on Earth, because this wasn’t Earth, and I wasn’t Whitney Mason, daughter of a Wall Street broker. I was Whitney, mate to three Viken males. Female sex goddess extraordinaire in a special hut on a resort dedicated to pleasure. To sex. Lots and lots of sex.

  How had I gotten so lucky that my mates worked here? We could stay here forever. Live here. Visit these pleasure houses any time we felt like it. But he had to do something, or I just might die.

  “Anything.” He suckled harder, his hand dipping lower, moving past my pussy to the tight entrance of my…

  “Ahh!” I squirmed as he moved back up and dipped his finger inside my pussy just enough to get the thick digit wet, then moved it again to slip the tip inside my ass.

  I felt his breath fan my skin. “Alarr is not with us now, but he needs to take you here.” The tip of his finger moved in and out of my ass slowly. “Plunge his cock deep as I fill your pussy with my cock, and Teig fills your mouth.” As he spoke, he pushed his thumb inside my wet core and pulled, stretching my aching pussy toward my ass, pulling me open.

  My pelvic muscles clamped down on his finger, and my pussy closed around… nothing. He was gone, but he’d stopped talking, his lips moving over my breasts like he’d been starved for the taste of me. Sucking. Licking. Exploring.

  He worked his way down my side, lingering at the dip of my hip and thigh, moving slowly from the top of my thigh to the inside, pulling my leg wide as he moved down my body.